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How Mental Priming Secretly Shapes Your Daily Decisions, and What You Can do About It!
A few weeks ago I picked up a copy Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking Fast and Slow.
It is listed as essential reading by a lot of people who I look up to, and so it was time to find out what they were all talking about for myself.
Having not read Kahneman before, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect.
Now I get it.
It’s a very engaging book, reading about how our thoughts work all while firing new synapsis in the brain at the same time.
Kinda Meta, right?
An area that fascinated me was when Kahneman dove into Mental Priming.
I bet you have probably experienced this in life, without knowing that it had a name.
Ever seen a Mr. Clean commercial?
Notice that all of the images and colors on the screen are bright shiny? That Mr. Clean himself is bright and shiny? White t shirt, bald head, sparkling earring.
I mean, look at the guy. Not a spec of dirt on him!
That is priming in action!
By presenting to you a clean house, a clean product, clean images, your brain is subconsciously associating the Mr. Clean products with cleaning and keeping your home nice and bright!
I mean, its his damn name!
When you walk past Mr. Clean products in the store, you brain will trigger the emotions that you felt watching the commercial.
You will think about cleaning. Think about what can be cleaned. Think about what if I take home a bottle?
It works! And marketers have been exploiting it for years.
But priming has been at play for all of your life.
When you were young, teachers primed their classrooms with educational posters, color schemes, and learning materials that out you in a ready state for learning and creativity.
When you are shopping at online stores, they often use their homepage to prime you with deals, popular products, or holiday-themed items. This influences your perceptions and priorities as you browse.
Shoot, your mood and behavior can be primed by the weather. Sunny days tend to put you in a more upbeat mood. While gray, rainy days makes you feel more subdued or reflective emotions.
You have felt gloomy on a rainy day and amazing on a sunny one, right?
That is priming in action.
But priming is not always positive, as you can see with the rainy day example.
And the negative priming effects can carry a lot more weight and cause more chaotic outcomes than you want.
So the trick is, you increase the positive priming effects and decrease the negative ones. When you do this, it can be a subtle recipe for long term success and happiness.
Let’s dive in…
It’s Happening all Around You
Priming of your mental state occurs naturally all of the time. You have little to no control over that.
Everyday little things seep into your unconscious brain. Inherent biases build up.
Recognizing that this happens is step 1.
And taking control by increasing positive priming and limiting how much negative priming you experience can lead to real improvements in mood, productivity, and happiness.
Here are some every examples you can explore:
Nature: Being in natural environments or even viewing scenes of nature can prime feelings of peace, relaxation, and rejuvenation.
Positive Social Interactions: Encouraging words, smiles, or acts of kindness from others can prime feelings of happiness, self-worth, and optimism.
Success Stories: Hearing or reading about someone's success or overcoming adversity can prime motivation and a can-do attitude.
Aromas: Pleasant scents, like fresh flowers or a favorite food, can prime positive mood states and evoke happy memories.
Each one of these has positive effects. And your body and mind will love it!
Well, maybe not all at the same time. That would probably be overwhelming.
Now look at these examples:
Stressful Environments: Chaotic, noisy, or cluttered spaces can prime feelings of stress, anxiety, or overwhelm.
Negative News: Constant exposure to negative news stories can prime feelings of fear, anxiety, or pessimism about the world.
Toxic Relationships: Regular interaction with individuals who are critical, pessimistic, or hostile can prime negative emotions and lower self-esteem.
Hectic Schedules: Overly busy or demanding routines can prime feelings of constant stress or inadequacy.
These are all negative primes.
As someone with social anxiety, I can recall many Stressful Environments where anxiousness has flared up and my natural anxiety fills me to the point of being overwhelmed.
These situations are not always avoidable.
Should you come into a situation above, you want to offset the negative affects with positive ones.
Control the Controllable’s
So Brian, you’re saying that how and when Mental Priming occurs, and the outcomes that it guides our subconscious brain towards, can be used to my advantage?
Yes. I am saying that!
By controlling and creating positive primes in your everyday life, you will see more, do more, enjoy more. Trust me.
Ever hear the story of the self help coach who told their client to start each and every day like this…
Sit on the edge of your bed, feet planted to the carpet. Now stretching your arms sky high towards the ceiling say, “Today is going to be a great day!”
Seem a little whacky to you?
Not your cup of tea?
Maybe it should be.
This one little step is priming your day to be, you guessed it…
It’s Primetime!
Before we go further, I recommend you watch this video of Hall of Fame football player and now head football coach at the University of Colorado, Deion Sanders.
Deion Sanders on work:
"Work is a word you must identify with because regardless of what you're trying to do, you're going to have to put in some work. That's only if you want to make a difference, be a difference, and live different than any of your friends or family members."… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
— Danny Miranda (@heydannymiranda)
10:08 PM • Sep 18, 2023
Sanders talks deeply about hard work and how it is important for football and for life.
He is literally priming his athletes for what they can expect while playing on his team.
He wants them to WORK!
He wants them to know the things they want come from WORK!
And based on his years of experiences, how that hard work will pay off for them throughout life. Not just on the football field.
That’s pretty cool of him.
I mean, who wouldn’t work hard for that guy? They call him Coach Prime for a reason!
So let me be your Coach Prime and give you 7 Positive Priming Procedures you can start today. (And yes, I chose 7 because it is a Prime Number 😉)
He… Could… Go… All… The… Way!
Morning Affirmations: Start the day with positive affirmations or motivational quotes to set a constructive tone for your day. Even if it sounds goofy. Remember, nobody is watching you!
Uplifting Music: Listen to music that elevates your mood or energizes you during the day. Apple Music and Spotify have loads of playlists ready made to energize you.
Tidying Up: Keep your living and working spaces clean and organized to prime a sense of control and clarity. There is a lot of science that supports this and how it can impact your mental state. Grab some Mr. Clean next time you are at the store.
Gratitude Journaling: Take a moment to write down things you’re grateful for, priming a positive and appreciative mindset. I even created a free one you can grab right here.
Smiling: The simple act of smiling, even if it’s forced at first, can prime a happier mood. Stick a pen in your mouth sideways for just 15 seconds, you are smiling! Check out the actual study that proves this works!
Say Hello to a Stranger: Try saying “Hello” to someone you do not know. Better yet, if given the chance, ask them “What are you excited about today?”
Deep Breathing: Taking a moment for deep breaths, especially in moments of stress, can prime calmness and reset your mental state. This literally sends more oxygen to your brain and helps it to reset.
Now as a bonus, sometimes you can have addition by subtraction. So here are 3 (yeah, another prime baby!) Negative Priming events to try and avoid:
Excessive Social Media Use: Spending too much time on social media can prime dissatisfaction and anxiety. Many studies have reported negative affects on our mindset. Try setting some of your phones usage limits for certain apps. I have my LinkedIn and Twitter set to 40 minutes per day. And the limited time forces me to engage with people rather than doom scroll. That engagement, and peoples reactions, gives a nice boost of Dopamine.
Skipping Meals or Eating Poorly: Neglecting nutrition can negatively prime your physical and mental energy levels. Eating balanced meals is crucial for overall health and mindset. Your brain needs real food as much as it needs brain food like this newsletter. And “Hangry” is a play on “Angry” for a reason.
Engaging in Negative Self-Talk: Negative self-talk primes low self-esteem and defeatism. Why do that to yourself? Control the controllables and cut yourself some slack. Affirm your belief in yourself and don’t put yourself down.
TL:DR For Having a Prime Day!
I sure hope Amazon doesn’t come after me for that one.
Alright, 2 minute warning!
Mental Priming is your brain's background music, setting the scene for your day-to-day experiences.
Pick any album that you like, drop the needle, and tune out!
Remember, it's not just about noticing this hidden influence – it's about turning it up to eleven on the positive vibes and dialing down on the doom and gloom.
So, here’s your game plan for a having a Positively Primed Day:
Start with a high-five to yourself in the mirror. Or use words, it’s safer.
Create a musical soundtrack to avoid getting Dazed and Confused.
Clean your space before you get working.
Jot down a few things you're grateful for when you wrap up.
Oh, and don’t forget to flash a smile whenever you can! Even if it's just to your reflection or a stranger on the street. They all count.
Trust me, your brain will thank you.
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